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META launched the latest feature on one of its products, Messenger, in early June via TechCrunch. This feature is a Community Feature that has the same function as the communities feature on WhatsApp which was launched earlier in 2022. Previously, in the same year, META had previously updated Messenger’s community chats feature, allowing Facebook group members to talk to each other in real-time and react to messages received. This time, the community feature expands the range of chat topics and members. Check out the full feature below.

What is the Communities feature in Messenger?

Messenger Communities is a feature that allows members to create and view entire chat topics and admins who can post important announcements on a dedicated Home. This feature can accommodate 5,000 members. The system for inviting members is easy, just based on the member’s Facebook profile without a phone number, unlike WhatsApp which requires a phone number even though these features have similar functions and purposes.

The communities feature allows users to coordinate with many people more easily, such as local events, schools, or other special events without having to join a particular Facebook group.

Initially, this feature was introduced slowly in certain regions only. However, now the communities feature is available globally. Launching from TechEdt, you can access it on iOS and Android. However, Meta stated that the release of the communities feature is still in the development stage so not all Messenger users can access it yet. In addition, quoting from MSN, META also reminds its users that the level of privacy of this feature is different from the privacy that applies to personal messaging mode in general. As time goes by, it’s a good idea to regularly follow the latest information from META regarding the development of this feature.

Communities for Business

If you’re an avid Messenger user and you’re a business owner, you can utilize this feature for your business, especially if you’re a small business. You can use communities to promote your products and coordinate product deliveries to customers who live in the same area. If you participate in local events where you live, the communities feature can be one of your options to meet event attendees who are potential customers of your products and make buying and selling transactions with you.

The development of strategies and features for META’s messaging platform like this makes communicating with anyone, including your customers, much easier. Maintain your relationship with your customers and increase your interaction engagement. With customers is the key to retaining customers and their loyalty. Thus, your business will be able to grow and compete with your other competitors.

Sandeza as an official BSP META offers a wide range of solutions from META that can help your business grow and adapt in this digital era. With our experience and expertise, Sandeza is ready to be your trusted partner in implementing advanced technology and effective digital strategies. So, if you’re looking for innovative and reliable digital solutions, Sandeza is the right choice. Consult your needs now with us here.


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