
Electronic Stamp Solution for Your Digital Documents

An innovative solution for stamping digital documents, replacing physical stamps that are easily lost or damaged. Increase the security and validity of your digital documents easily and practically.

What is e-Meterai?

E-meterai is a stamp in the form of a label that can be applied to electronic documents via a digital system.

What documents need to be stamped with an e-Meterai?

Documents of securities transactions 

A certificate, statement letter or other similar letter along with its duplicates.

Document stating the amount of money with a nominal value of more than Rp. 5,000,000,- which;
  • States the receipt of money,
  • Contains an acknowledgment that the debt has been fully or partially paid off or accounted for.

Types of Stamp

Conventional stamp

 The stamp commonly used by the public serves as a tool to ensure the authenticity of official documents and as proof of tax payment to the government


Other forms of stamps

Coded Stamp 

Printed Stamp 

Computerized Stamp 


E-stamp is an electronic stamp used
to affix proof of tax payment to the government on electronic documents. E-stamp has the same function as a conventional stamp, but its use is done digitally.

Increase the credibility of your digital documents
with e-Meterai

Main features of e-Meterai:

Easy to Use: Easy and simple stamping process with an intuitive display.  

Safe and Secure: Equipped with a trusted digital certificate to ensure the security and validity of documents.

Efficient and Time-Saving: Speeds up the administrative process and saves time and costs.

Based on Regulations: Documents affixed with e-Meterai are valid and legal and can be used in accordance with Law No. 10 of 2020 in force.

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Experience ease and security with e-Meterai!


What is e-Meterai?

E-Meterai adalah bentuk meterai yang diterbitkan dalam bentuk elektronik atau digital, berbeda dengan meterai kertas konvensional yang biasanya ditempelkan langsung pada dokumen fisik.


Sprint Asia Technology merupakan distributor resmi dari Peruri, penerbit meterai digital di Indonesia, sehingga e-meterai dari Sprint dapat digunakan dan memiliki kekuatan hukum sesuai dengan UU yang berlaku.

Easy Invoices can be generated from the dashboard. It is free to create an Easy Invoice.

Easy Invoice provides safe and secure payment methods. All data exchange is encrypted to secure the payment information

Easy Invoice is suitable for organizations of all sizes, including large companies, in order to optimize invoicing and payment processes.