Mobile Digital Advertising

Maximize advertising effectiveness to boost business impact.

Get potential customers into your business through engaging advertising strategies by disseminating information in various formats over mobile devices.

Take advantage of digital advertising to unlock opportunities for your business

More Precise Targeting

You can use various demographic data, online behaviors, and customer preferences to ensure your ads reach those most likely to be interested.

Accurate Measurement

You can track various metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and Return on Investment (ROI) in real-time, making your ad spending more efficient.

Flexibility and Control

You can quickly modify your ads, adapting them to changing trends or business needs. Control your advertising budget, allowing you to adjust the size of your campaign.

Suitable Ads Format Support

Create excellent interactions by utilizing the advantages of WhatsApp Business API

Campaign Banners

Display banner campaigns on smartphones that are adjustable according to devices through a broader channel in various web browsers.

Message Videos

Communicate a more profound message through video ads that are light and easy for users to enjoy.

Ads Notification

Send ads directly to the target and get an instant response with notification ads on the user's phone.

HTML 5 Ads

Different advertising experiences with interactive elements and high complexity, including games that users can play.

Landing Page Ads

Turn visitors into consumers with on-page ads optimized for maximum conversions.

Ads icon

Become part of the user's mobile experience with advertisements such as icons on cellphones and other mobile advice.

Connect with your customers

on any mobile screen


Apa itu Digital Advertising?

Periklanan yang menggunakan paltform digital, seperti internet, perangkat seluler, aplikasi, dan media sosial, untuk menyampaikan pesan promosi kepada audiens target.

Mampu menargetkan audiens yang spesifik, mengukur hasil campaign secara akurat, dan fleksibilitas dalam anggar, tentunya mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat terhadap perubahan tren di dunia digital.
Iklan berbayar adalah iklan yang Anda bayar untuk menampilkannya pada target audiens tertentu, sementara iklan organik muncul secara alami di platform digital tanpa membayar langsung.
Sebuah proses untuk menentukan target siapa yang akan melihat iklan Anda yang bisa berdasarkan pemetaan demografi, minat, perilaku online, lokasi geografis, dan faktor lainnya.
Definisikan campaign tujuan Anda, identifikasi audiens target, dan daftarkan bisnis Anda ke Sprint Asia Technology yang telah didukung dengan digitas ads platform.