Customer Data Platform | Sprint Resul

Sprint Resul CDP:
Solusi terbaik untuk mengumpulkan, mengelola, dan menganalisis data pelanggan Anda.

Buat profil pelanggan yang terpusat, dapatkan insight yang dapat ditindaklanjuti, dan ciptakan pengalaman yang dipersonalisasi yang mendorong loyalitas dan konversi.

Hubungan Pelanggan yang Lebih Kuat Dimulai dengan Data: Tingkatkan Bisnis Anda dengan CDP

Fitur unggulan dari Sprint Resul:

Platform Data Audiens
 Menggabungkan berbagai macam jenis sumber data secara online dan offline.


Keterlibatan Waktu Nyata

Menganalisis data secara real time, mengintegrasikan semua sumber data untuk mendapatkan tampilan 360 setiap individu.

AI & Analisis Mendalam

Menganalisis data secara real time, mengintegrasikan semua sumber data untuk mendapatkan tampilan 360 setiap individu.

Manajemen Pengalaman Terbaik Berikutnya

Merekomendasikan strategi selanjutnya berdasarkan kebiasaan customer pada platform bisnis Anda.

Temukan keuntungan dari penggunaan Customer Data Platform

Membangun Profil Pelanggan

Dilengkapi AI untuk menganalisis data pelanggan dari berbagai sumber, mengidentifikasi kebiasaan pelanggan, serta menemukan pola baru untuk mengembangkan strategi pemasaran yang lebih efektif.

Mendapatkan Pelanggan Baru

Transformasikan pengunjung anonim dari  Channel yang Anda miliki menjadi prospek aktif untuk meningkatkan engagement dan konversi secara efektif.

Mengaktifkan Pelanggan Anda

Optimalkan komunikasi pemasaran dengan penyesuaian yang sangat spesifik, berdasarkan preferensi individu hingga kecenderungan konsumsi konten, untuk mencapai ROI maksimum.

Mempertahankan Pelanggan Anda

Segmentasi otomatis berdasarkan karakteristik dan perilaku pelanggan untuk pesan yang lebih personal dan efektif, meningkatkan kepuasan dan mengurangi churn secara signifikan.

Menerima pembayaran dalam 3 langkah mudah

Terdiri dari pilar inti terintegrasi untuk ciptakan keterlibatan pelanggan secara real-time:

Customer Data Platform (CDP)


Omnichannel orchestration engine

AI, ML, and deep analytics


Manajemen Pengalaman Terbaik Berikutnya


Multi-level hierarchy


SmartDX adalah solusi plug-and-play untuk Perusahaan
yang berfokus pada :

Perkembangan Perusahaan/ Akuisisi

Menyajikan data lengkap dalam satu tempat 

Mencari alternatif cookie 


Jangkau pelanggan Anda dengan komunikasi multi-channel melalui Email, SMS, WhatsApp, dan kode QR

Keamanan data merupakan hal utama 

Berfokus pada UKM dan pasar menengah 

Terintegrasi dengan berbagai channel komunikasi


Transformasi Data Anda Menjadi Informasi yang Dapat Diandalkan


What is CDP?

Aplikasi yang membantu bisnis menengah dan besar berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan mereka dalam skala besar. Perusahaan dapat menghubungkan ribuan agen dan bot untuk berinteraksi dengan pelanggan secara terprogram dan manual menggunakan API.

Label centang hijau pada Whatsapp akan membedakan Whatsapp business biasa dengan Whatsapp business API. Centang hijau menciptakan kepercayaan pelanggan dan dapat memanfaatkan fitur tambahan.

Penggunaan API WhatsApp Business melibatkan pendaftaran bisnis Anda, menghubungkannya dengan nomor telepon yang sudah ada atau baru, mengintegrasikan API dengan sistem bisnis Anda, mematuhi pedoman dan persyaratan WhatsApp.

Easy invoice dapat dibuat dari dashboard. Membuat easy invoice itu gratis.

Easy Invoice menyediakan metode pembayaran yang aman dan terjamin. Semua pertukaran data dienkripsi untuk mengamankan informasi pembayaran

Easy Invoice cocok untuk organisasi dengan segala ukuran, termasuk perusahaan besar, untuk mengoptimalkan proses pembuatan tagihan dan pembayaran.

Baca Selengkapnya

CDP Platform for Optimizing Your Customer Data

Transform your customer data with Sprint's CDP platform! Centralize, unify, and analyze data seamlessly to deliver personalized experiences and drive growth. Gain real-time insights, optimize marketing strategies, and enhance customer engagement with a single, powerful solution.

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the ability to harness and optimize customer data is more crucial than ever. Sprint's CDP (Customer Data Platform) offers a cutting-edge solution that empowers businesses to seamlessly integrate, analyze, and leverage their customer data for enhanced decision-making and personalized customer experiences.

By centralizing data from diverse sources, Sprint's CDP platform not only streamlines operations but also unlocks deeper insights into customer behavior, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the competition and foster lasting relationships with their clientele.

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is a sophisticated software solution that aggregates and organizes customer data from various sources into a unified, comprehensive database. Unlike traditional data management systems, a CDP is designed specifically to collect data from multiple channels, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, CRM systems, and more, to create a single, cohesive view of each customer. 

This data is then accessible in real-time, enabling marketers and businesses to gain a 360-degree understanding of their customer’s behaviors, preferences, and interactions. The CDP not only centralizes data but also standardizes it, ensuring that all departments within an organization can access consistent, reliable information. 

This capability allows businesses to deliver highly personalized marketing campaigns, improve customer service, and make informed decisions that drive growth.

Using a CDP platform offers several key benefits that can significantly enhance a company's customer engagement and overall performance. First and foremost, it provides a unified customer view, enabling businesses to understand their customers on a deeper level. 

This unified view allows for precise targeting and personalization, ensuring that marketing efforts resonate more effectively with the intended audience. Additionally, a CDP improves data accuracy and consistency across departments, reducing the likelihood of errors or discrepancies in customer information. 

By streamlining data collection and management processes, a CDP platform can also lead to operational efficiencies, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual data integration tasks. 

Furthermore, the insights derived from a CDP enable businesses to optimize their marketing strategies, enhance customer experiences, and ultimately increase customer loyalty and retention. The ability to respond quickly to customer needs and market trends, driven by real-time data, gives companies a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven market.

CDP platforms come in various types, each designed to meet specific business needs and use cases. The first type is the Data CDP, which primarily focuses on collecting and managing customer data. These platforms offer robust data integration capabilities, allowing businesses to consolidate data from various sources into a single repository. 

The second type is the Analytics CDP, which not only collects data but also provides advanced analytical tools to derive insights and generate reports. This type is particularly useful for businesses that want to dig deeper into customer behaviors and trends. 

The third type is the Campaign CDP, which integrates with marketing automation tools to deliver personalized campaigns based on unified customer data. These platforms enable businesses to execute highly targeted marketing strategies with precision. 

Lastly, there is the Delivery CDP, which goes beyond data collection and analysis to include execution capabilities. Delivery CDPs can manage and deliver customer interactions across multiple channels, such as email, social media, and SMS, ensuring a seamless and consistent customer experience. 

Each type of CDP offers unique features and benefits, allowing businesses to choose the one that best aligns with their strategic objectives.

A robust Customer Data Platform (CDP) is equipped with several key features that enable it to deliver powerful results. One of the primary features is Data Integration, which allows the CDP to ingest data from a wide array of sources such as websites, mobile apps, CRM systems, social media platforms, and offline channels. 

This integration capability ensures that the platform can create a holistic view of each customer by bringing together disparate data points into a single, unified profile. Another critical feature is Data Unification and Identity Resolution. 

CDPs can identify and merge multiple data points related to the same customer, even if they originate from different channels or devices. This process, known as identity resolution, ensures that businesses have an accurate, consolidated view of each customer’s interactions, avoiding duplicate profiles and fragmented data.

Real-time Data Processing is another vital feature, enabling the CDP to update customer profiles and trigger personalized marketing actions as new data becomes available. This capability is essential for businesses looking to engage customers with timely and relevant messages.

Additionally, Segmentation and Audience Management tools within a CDP allow businesses to create highly specific customer segments based on behaviors, demographics, or purchase history. These segments can then be used to tailor marketing campaigns, ensuring that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.

Finally, Analytics and Reporting capabilities enable businesses to gain deep insights into customer behavior and campaign performance. Advanced analytics tools within the CDP can uncover patterns, predict trends, and provide actionable recommendations that help businesses optimize their strategies for better results.

A CDP platform operates through a series of well-coordinated processes designed to collect, unify, and leverage customer data for business optimization. The process begins with Data Collection, where the CDP gathers information from various customer touchpoints, including websites, mobile apps, email campaigns, social media, point-of-sale systems, and more. 

This data is ingested into the platform in real-time, ensuring that it remains current and comprehensive. 

Once the data is collected, the platform undertakes Data Unification. During this stage, the CDP uses sophisticated algorithms to identify and merge data related to individual customers, even when this data comes from different channels or is associated with different identifiers (such as email addresses, phone numbers, or device IDs). 

This unification process, often referred to as identity resolution, ensures that businesses have a single, cohesive view of each customer, eliminating duplicate or fragmented records. Following unification, the CDP performs Data Segmentation. 

It categorizes customers into different segments based on criteria such as behavior, demographics, or purchase history. These segments are then used to target specific groups with tailored marketing campaigns or personalized experiences.

The next step involves Activation, where the CDP uses the unified customer profiles to trigger personalized marketing actions. These actions can include sending targeted emails, displaying customized website content, or triggering ads on social media. 

Because CDPs process data in real-time, these actions can be highly responsive to the latest customer behaviors.

Finally, the CDP offers Analytics and Reporting capabilities. It tracks the outcomes of the marketing campaigns and customer interactions, providing businesses with valuable insights into what’s working and what isn’t. These insights help businesses refine their strategies, optimize future campaigns, and continuously improve customer experiences.

  1. Retail Industry
  2. A global retail chain implemented a CDP to unify customer data across its online and offline channels. Before the CDP, the retailer struggled with fragmented customer information, leading to inconsistent customer experiences.  After implementing the CDP, the retailer was able to create unified customer profiles that included data from in-store purchases, online browsing behavior, and mobile app interactions. This unified view allowed the retailer to deliver personalized product recommendations and offers to customers, both online and in-store, resulting in a significant increase in conversion rates and customer loyalty.
  3. Jasa Keuangan
  4. A leading financial institution used a CDP to enhance its customer segmentation and targeting efforts. By integrating data from various sources, including customer transaction histories, website interactions, and call center logs, the CDP enabled the institution to create highly detailed customer segments.  These segments were then used to tailor financial product offerings and marketing messages to specific customer needs. The result was a marked improvement in customer engagement and an increase in the uptake of financial products, particularly among high-value customer segments.
  5. Media and Entertainment
  6. A streaming service provider implemented a CDP to better understand viewer preferences and behaviors. By aggregating data from viewing history, app interactions, and social media engagement, the CDP allowed the provider to create detailed viewer profiles.  These profiles were then used to recommend personalized content, resulting in higher viewer retention and increased time spent on the platform. Additionally, the CDP’s real-time data processing enabled the provider to quickly adapt to changing viewer preferences, ensuring that content recommendations remained relevant and engaging.
  7. Kesehatan
  8. A healthcare provider used a CDP to enhance patient engagement and care management. By integrating patient data from electronic health records (EHR), appointment systems, and patient portals, the CDP provided a comprehensive view of each patient’s health journey.  This unified data allowed the healthcare provider to deliver personalized care recommendations, send timely reminders for appointments and medications, and tailor wellness programs to individual patient needs. The implementation of the CDP led to improved patient outcomes, higher patient satisfaction, and more efficient care management processes.

Sprint’s CDP solutions empower businesses to unlock the full potential of their customer data. By providing a centralized platform for data integration, unification, and real-time analytics, Sprint's CDP enables companies to deliver personalized experiences, improve customer engagement, and make data-driven decisions with confidence. 

Whether optimizing marketing campaigns, enhancing customer satisfaction, or driving growth, Sprint’s CDP solutions offer the tools needed to stay ahead in a competitive market. With Sprint, businesses can transform their customer data into actionable insights, fostering stronger relationships and achieving lasting success.

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